Vďaka Embodiment Koučingu môžeš aj ty

žiť viac v plynutí a spojení sama so sebou, so svojou pravou podstatou

nastaviť si zdravšie hranice

odblokovať nefunkčé vzorce a podvedomé bloky

robiť správne rozhodnutia

získať schopnosť rozoznať svoju pravdu a vyjadriť ju

rozšíriť svoju kapacit preciťovať rôzne vnemy v tele, a zvýšiť aj svoju schopnosť prežívať slasť

znížiť stres a žiť viac v ľahkosti

získať schopnosť kráčať v živote správnym smerom

stať sa žiarivou a magentickou ženou

žiť život v úplnom súlade

Aktuálna Ponuka Embodiment Koučingu


Moc ti ďakujem za coaching session. Veľlmi som ocenila láskavosť s akou si ma viedla, bezpečný priestor, v ktorom sa všetko dialo plynule a kde som získala pre mňa nové a zásadné uvedomenia – wow, osobný rozvoj a sebapoznavanie nie sú pre mňa žiadnou novinkou, ale tieto uvedomenia som vôbec nečakala. Feminine embodiment coaching je úžasný nástroj – dotkla som sa vďaka nemu nových hĺbok, účinne, ale všetko v jemnosti.

Lenka Zajacová


Naše telo vie. Len my ho nie vždy vieme počúvať, alebo mu nevenujeme pozornosť. Cez Jankino láskavé vedenie sa na svoje telo a jeho múdrosť naladíme. A vďaka Jankiným otázkam som vnemy dala do slov, čo mi ešte pomohlo si ich utriediť a interpretovať. Čo ma tiež potešilo bolo, že mi Janka potom poslala poznámky z nášho koučingu, ku ktorých sa môžem kedykoľvek vrátiť, aby som si svoje uvedomenia pripomenula.

Oceňujem Jankin osobný a láskavý prístup a jej autenticitu – všetko si to na sebe veľakrát vyskúšala a sama embodiment s obľubou využíva v každodennom živote. A ja si rád a „názorov“ svojho tela tiež som už viac a viac vedomá, je to veľká pomoc v každodennom živote .

Ďakujem za sprostredkovanie tejto skúsenosti!

Barbora Kaľavská

Jana has a grounded presence that is both insightful and supportive. If you’re seeking a Feminine Embodiment Coach to help support you in stepping more fully into your authentic self, I’d highly recommend working with Jana.

Jenna Ward

zakladateľka School of Embodied Arts, schoolofembodiedarts.com

Jana is a sensitive, warm and empathetic feminine embodiment coach. She coached me on various topics and demonstrated great skill with each of the issues I was facing each time we met. During one session in particular, I was feeling anxious and flustered in relation to a certain relationship dynamic I was experiencing. Jana held space for my difficult emotions which allowed me to feel safe, seen and heard. Incredibly, she helped me to identify a pattern I had been repeating for over 20 years that I didn’t realise I’d been repeating in the first place! To have this pattern illuminated was, of course, so liberating! It helped me to see things with greater clarity, to feel less anxious and to move forward in the dynamic in a more embodied way. Jana did this by asking insightful, powerful questions which are the qualities of a naturally gifted coach – with Jana absolutely is. 

Isabel Krutik

IG: bellakcoaching

I’ve greatly benefited from Jana’s coaching sessions. I’ve appreciated the safe space she’s created for me and I’ve come out of each session with a great and deep insight. I also like that she’s helped me to see how to implement those insights into my daily life – so that it doesn’t stay a one time „aha moment“ but also brings lasting changes in my life. For me, Jana brings a lot of care to her clients and I appreciate her wisdom and the quality of her questions and guidance. I also find that she has a very welcoming and non judgmental energy that has helped me to bring a new light to the struggles I’ve brought to the coaching space without feeling bad for anything I was feeling or experiencing. I’m happy I’ve found her!

Lisa Caillet


I am very grateful for the embodiment coaching that I received from Jana. It is a different way of coaching which gave me the chance to really align with the truth that my body holds and not only to follow my mind. I would recommend this type of self development to every woman. 

Maria Lukanowa

IG: @marialukanowa

Jana is authentically loving and supportive, encouraging, non-judgemental, steady and trustworthy.

I felt like a veil of shame and fear were covering me before the session. During the session, I was able to sink deeper and deeper into myself, my emotional body and meet old demons rather than run from them. I couldn’t have done this without Jana’s loving encouragement and mirroring. With the support of Jana I was able to give myself a new experience of vulnerability, being seen and feeling love for myself as I am. Truly remarkable. Since then, I have felt an alleviation of a particular sorrow I used to carry around and identify with – I am finally processing that sorrow. I can imagine what it will feel like to be without that sorrow and feel more love.

In all honesty, the session felt a bit miraculous. It felt like being able to go back in time, or to locate a place in my body where hurt and a belief system have been accumulating, running the show – and give myself a healing, new experience that I could feel and believe in as a new belief system. This session allowed my body to lovingly give myself the experience or mirror I needed to heal an inner wound. The lesson was –  it can feel another way to be the authentic me – more loved and loving, warmer, received, listened to, more gentle, not ashamed.

I don’t think I believed this was possible because I have had so many experiences of rejection, abandonment, having to be strong and defended, and putting others first. I’m not sure I have had many experiences of being vulnerable, intimate and open like that.

This feels like a new level of love/loving to be honest.

Deborah Monaghan

Chceš si embodiment koučing
najskôr vyskúšať?
Objednaj si ochutnávku zdarma!

Hlboký Ponor

Pripravujem 3 mesačný personalizovaný koučingový program 1:1, v ktorom:

  • lepšie spoznáš samu seba
  • naučíš sa počúvať svoje telo a svoju vnútornú intuíciu
  • naučíš sa robiť rozhodnutia, ktoré budú s tebou v úplnom súlade
  • zbavíš sa všetkého nepotrebného (limitujúce presvedčenia a nefunkčné vzorce)
  • a stanovíš si jasnú a zrealizovateľnú víziu – tvojho ja, ktoré žije v úplnom súlade, pravde a autenticite